Faculty Secretariat

The Faculties Department are responsible for the general management of the Faculty of Pain Medicine as well as the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. The members of the team are listed below.

For general FPM related enquiries please contact us on 0207 092 1633 or email contact@fpm.ac.uk.

James Goodwin

Associate Director of Faculties

Natalie Bell

Training Manager

Emmy Kato-Clarke

Standards Manager

Anna Ripley

Education and Engagement Manager 

Dawn Tillbrook-Evans

Standards Coordinator

Susan Hall

Careers and Workforce Coordinator

Rohini Makwana

Training Coordinator

Rowan van den Berg

Education & Engagement Coordinator 

Beenal Tailor

Education & Engagement Coordinator

Susan Simpson

Training Administrator

Want to know more?
Meet the current members of the Faculty Board.