Motivational Interviewing
Collaborative, goal-oriented communication
Motivated Interviewing (MI) is designed to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion.

Great introduction to MI, by Prof Stephen Rollnick (father of MI). Understand what motivational interviewing is, how it can be used to improve outcomes for patients demonstrated in a number of different clinical scenarios.

Interesting journal publication on MI.

Motivational interviewing skills in primary care, includes assessment tools. Freely accessed after registration.

Motivational interviewing skills specific to pain management. Freely accessed after registration.

Apply motivational interviewing skills in a pain management framework. Freely accessed after registration.
Resources collated with the help of Dr Paul Watson, Anaesthetic Specialist Registrar, Severn.
Want to know more?
Read further on communication skills.