Applications open for FPM Training and Assessment Committee SAS Representative (1 position available)

Published: 22/10/2021

Applications are sought for an SAS representative who will be co-opted to the FPM Training and Assessment Committee (FPMTAC).

The Faculty acknowledges the pivotal role played by SAS doctors and is keen to encourage all aspects of professional and career development. As an SAS representative on the FPMTAC you will be able to work in liaison with the Faculty to extend opportunities to SAS doctors for better engagement with Faculty activities, and look after the interests of SAS doctors working in the field of Pain Medicine.  

Interested candidates should complete the attached applicant statement and return with a copy of their CV electronically to by 5pm Tuesday 09 November 2021. Applications received after this date will not be eligible for the selection process.  Please click here for further details and to download the application form.

Terms of service

The term of office for Committee members is three years. Second terms are at the discretion of the Faculty Board.


Those eligible must meet the following criteria;

  • Be in active practice in Pain Medicine and up to date with current matters affecting the specialty.
  • Have capacity to undertake the role. It is recommended that potential Committee Members discuss their appointment with hospital colleagues and senior management to ensure they can dedicate the appropriate time to the role.
  • Be either a member, associate member or fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
  • Either be, or be eligible to be, an Affiliate or Member of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. SAS doctors interested in this role who are not currently members of the Faculty may apply for this role on the understanding that they will join the Faculty as an Affiliate or Member if successful.


  •  Reading all papers and emails relevant to the work of the Committee. 
  • Attending all required meetings and taking an active part in the discussions. 
  • Taking on projects and work streams of the Committee. 
  • Writing updates, proposals or other written materials for the work of the Committee. 
  • Producing articles or content for the FPM newsletter, Transmitter, and the Faculty website. 
  • Attending all meetings of their assigned boards, committees or working groups.
  • Upholding the high standard of the Faculty and its work.

Any questions? Please email Claire Driver if you would like any further information or an opportunity for an informal discussion