Election to the Board of the Faculty of Pain Medicine 2024

Published: 17/06/2024

Notice is hereby given that an election for two vacancies on the Board of the Faculty of Pain Medicine will be held on Thursday 22nd August 2024.

Board vacancies

The Board of the Faculty of Pain Medicine is the main decision-making body of the Faculty, responsible for its overall direction and strategy.  The Board consists of ten elected and appointed positions and

six co-opted members who make up a supportive and proactive team.

There will be two vacancies in 2025. Elected candidates will take office at the Board meeting on Friday 7 March 2025.  The term of office will be six years in the first instance or four for those standing for a second term.  Those elected will be eligible to be re-elected for a second term of four years.  Those eligible to stand are: Foundation Fellows, Fellows by Examination & Assessment, Fellows ad Eundem and Members of the Faculty complying with the conditions of the Ordinances and Regulations.   

To find out more about the role and the election please see the dedicated page on our website.

The membership categories eligible to vote are: Foundation Fellows, Fellows by Examination & Assessment, Fellows ad Eundem, Associate Fellows, Affiliate Fellows, and Members.

The election will be conducted entirely electronically so it is imperative that we have an up to date email address for you to ensure you receive the ballot papers. You can update your primary email address via the MyRCoA portal.