Extended - Applications open for FPM Trainee Representative

Published: 22/10/2021

Applications are now being accepted for the FPM Trainee Representative role. If you would like to be considered for this vacancy, please complete and return the application form to contact@fpm.ac.uk by 5pm on Wednesday 24 November 2021Please click here for an application form.

Term of Service

The maximum length of service is two years, starting February 2022.


Those eligible to stand are trainee members in good standing with the Faculty and registered with the Faculty as a trainee, who are in an advanced pain training post with at least 6 months of training still to complete upon taking up the position of trainee representative.

Duties of the Trainee Representative

The principal duty of the trainee representative is to represent the views of pain medicine trainees during Board, committee, working group and other meetings as appropriate.  The trainee representative must ensure that the Dean and committee/group chairs are current in all aspects of their role, and in matters that come within the respective group’s terms of reference. 

Duties of the FPM Trainee Representative include:

  • To act as main organiser for the Annual Trainee Day (2022 date TBC).
  • Produce research or written documents from time-to-time including contributions to the FPM newsletter (Transmitter), FPM bi-monthly trainee newsletter, and the Faculty website.
  • To manage the Trainee WhatsApp group and ensure all updates from the Faculty are circulated to trainees
  • To liaise with trainees to develop catalogue of career stories on FPM website.
  • Maintaining two-way communications with all Pain Medicine trainees in order to update them on Faculty developments and to keep the Faculty abreast of information and concerns relevant to its work.
  • Attending all meetings of their assigned boards, committees or working groups.  Travel expenses are reimbursed subject to the usual arrangements.
  • Involvement in Faculty projects that may arise from time-to-time.