FFPMRCA Examination Tutorials

Excellent programme. Very useful for exam preparation.

Feedback from previous tutorial

The Faculty runs a biannual online exam tutorial for all trainees. These take place in February-April and August-October to coincide with the FFPMRCA SOE examination and consist of pre-recorded lectures and live online sessions covering case studies and VIVA practice.  

The next FFPMRCA Exam Tutorial, for those taking the SOE in Autumn 2024 is open for booking from 6 August 2024:

FFPMRCA SOE Exam Tutorial Autumn 2024.

  • Location:  Online

  • Fee:  £75
  • Availability: Places available


Your attendance, contribution and feedback are key to the success of all the current and future meetings. If you have suggestions regarding current or future tutorials please contact the Faculty

Need to revise for the FFPMRCA exam?
See our online resources for assistance.