FFPMRCA Examinations

FFPMRCA Examinations

Next MCQ sitting: Wednesday 21 August 2024

  • Applications opening date: Monday 20 May 2024
  • Applications closing date: Thursday 4 July 2024

Next SOE sitting: Tuesday 15 October 2024

  • Applications opening date: Tuesday 6 August 2024
  • Applications closing date: Friday 13 September 2024

Applications for the FFPMRCA MCQ August 2024 are now closed. Please refer to the examinations calendar to see when the next window opens.


The next sitting of the MCQ is Wednesday 21 August 2024.

This exam will be delivered online and invigilated by remote invigilators through a company called TestReach. TestReach are very experienced in running online invigilated tests and expert on guiding candidates through a remote delivery of their examination successfully.

Once candidates enrol on the exam, TestReach will support them personally in the set up and pre-test trial of their examination. 

TestReach tutorials for candidates

Generic tutorials of the TestReach system are available on the RCoA website for any candidates who wish to view the system in advance and can be accessed via this page.


The next sitting of the SOE is Tuesday 15 October 2024.

The Structured Oral Examination (SOE) is delivered in person at the College. 


Guide to sitting the SOE in person at the RCoA

Getting to Churchill House: Map and Directions 

Arrival at the College. Please arrive at the Royal College of Anaesthetists at least 30 minutes before the first call time on your Admission NoticeThe timetable and marking system do not allow late admissions. Please note that the earliest time you will be admitted to the College is 07.30.   

Dress Code:  The same dress code for day-to-day clinical practice/contact with patients applies to the FRCA examination e.g. suit and tie.  The form of dress should not constrain a candidate’s ability to demonstrate recognised skills including effective communication with simulated patients or examiners. There is no requirement to wear clinical/theatre clothing during any of the examinations.

Candidates are requested not to wear forms of dress that cover the face to ensure easy verification of the candidate’s identity.

Water bottles: Help us to reduce the use of single-use plastic in the College by bringing a water bottle to your exam. Water bottles may be taken onto the OSCE and SOE exam floors and refilled at points around the College.  

On arrival at the College. Please report to the reception desk and present your Admission Notice and ID. You will be given clear instructions on when and where to report for each examination component. We will issue you with a label bearing your candidate number. Your candidate number must be visible at all times when you are in the College. You must sign in and out at reception when leaving/returning throughout the day.

Mobile phones and other electronic devices. Switch off your phone and store in secure locker/luggage for duration of time in College. A Pound coin is needed for the lockers.
Under no circumstances should mobile phones or smart watches be taken to the exam floor. Candidates will be disqualified if phones or smart watches are found on their person once they have entered the exam floor.

Changes: We do not envisage making changes to exam dates and times set out in admission notices but if there is a ‘National Emergency Situation’ that is likely to affect a majority of College examiners or candidates, there may be a need to implement a contingency plan to deal with the situation.  If this happens and there is sufficient time available to us, we will inform you personally. In the unlikely event of this happening at short notice, then an urgent announcement will be published on the College website – homepage (www.rcoa.ac.uk).


SOE Exam Prep Course 

The next course will take place on Wednesday 11 September 2024.
Booking will open on Monday 6 August 2024.

FFPMRCA Examinations Calendar

Please note that dates below may be subject to change.

Applications and fees not accepted before Monday 20 May 2024 Monday 4 November 2024 Tuesday
6 August 2024
20 January 2025
Closing date for FFPMRCA exam applications Thursday 4 July 2024 Thursday 12 December 2024 Friday
13 September 2024
5 March 2025
Examination date Wednesday 21 August 2024 Tuesday
4 February 2025
15 October 2024
15 April 2025
Results released* Tuesday 10 September 2024 Tuesday
25 February 2025
22 October 2024
22 April 2025
Examination fees £630 £630 £885 £885

*Please note that results are emailed directly to candidates.

The Examination

The Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FFPMRCA) examination is consistent with the requirements for Fellowships of other UK Colleges and Faculties and established Faculties of Pain Medicine internationally. The examination is in addition to, not a replacement for, achievement of the competencies of Advanced Pain Training as currently assessed. The examination is conducted in accordance with the highest standards and further raise standards of Pain Medicine in the UK.

All Advanced Pain Trainees are required to take the examination (Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) paper and Structured Oral Examinations (SOE) in order to achieve the FFPMRCA. For examination eligibility please see the regulations . 

To obtain the appropriate FPM Membership to sit the exam please see the guide below. A useful FPM Membership flowchart can be found here - https://fpm.ac.uk/about-us/join-faculty. If you have any queries please  email us at contact@fpm.ac.uk

Membership Type Membership Category
FPM Trainee registration
Post-CCT Trainee (UK)

FPM Affiliate  or  FPM Affiliate Fellow         

Post CCT Trainee (Overseas)
FPM Affiliate or FPM Affiliate Fellow
Consultant (UK)
FPM Affiliate Fellow or FPM Associate Fellow
Consultant (Overseas)
FPM Affiliate Fellow or FPM Associate Fellow
Consultant Specialty/SAS Grade

FPM Member or FPM Affiliate

Medical Training Initiative (MTI)
FPM Trainee registration (Other Category)
Fellowship Applicant
FPM Affiliate


Please click here for the RCoA CCT in Anaesthetics of which the Pain Medicine modules in Basic, Intermediate, Higher and Advanced and the generic modules from the curriculum for the examination can be found.

Examination Fees

Please see the table above, under FFPMRCA Examination Dates and Results, for MCQ and SOE fees.  

Examination regulations, guidance and related documents

Contacting us

For all queries regarding the FFPMRCA examinations please contact the RCoA examinations department at FacultyExams@rcoa.ac.uk or call 020 7092 1731.

FFPMRCA Examination FAQs

Following discussion with RCoA Council, it was agreed in 2008 that an examination needed to be created to award post-nominal Fellowships of the Faculty.  The Faculty Board introduced the examination, in line with other international pain examinations, to further drive up the standard and standing of Pain Medicine in the UK and of UK Pain Medicine internationally.

All questions are reviewed by the MCQ Core Group before and again after each sitting of the MCQ paper.   All queries about questions raised by candidates sitting the MCQ paper are discussed in detail at the MCQ Core Group’s meeting held a week after the MCQ paper.  Any questions assessed as being contentious or unclear are discounted from the marking of the paper.

The syllabus for the examination is the Basic, Intermediate, Higher and Advanced Pain Medicine component of the CCT in Anaesthetics curriculum. 

A trainee took and passed the examination has also written an article for Transmitter with a full library of suggested reading. The Training & Assessment Committee has provided a curriculum expansion document.

The Examination fee is set by the RCoA and the FPM and is designed to break even on paper (and in reality lose money once overheads are included). The Examination is subsidised by Fellowship subscriptions in order to not fully pass the cost burden onto examinees. The FPM appreciates that the cost is higher than the FRCA (although still lower than other Colleges) – holding a high standard, well designed, quality assured and continuing improving examination is not an inexpensive endeavour and the comparatively small numbers undertaking the exam mean we benefit less from economies of scale.

Yes.  The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA), Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) ensure that trainees, members and fellows are provided with an appropriate breakdown of costs of supporting trainees and in the provision of the examinations that form part of the relevant training programmes.  For the purposes of this analysis, the income and expenditure for FRCA, FFICM and FFPMRCA examinations have been combined, as the vast majority of the functions are managed centrally by the RCoA examinations department to improve economies of scale.

Each department within the College and each Faculty has its own budget which is managed by the relevant head of function and the overall directorate budget is the responsibility of the relevant director.

For further details on the cost of training please click here.

It is entirely understandable for those taking the exam to perceive the actual examination days themselves as the major part of the exam process. In reality, each exam sitting, whether MCQ or SOE, takes a considerable amount of development, both in times of physical days (Standard Setting Groups, Core Groups for question writing, training etc.) and remote development (IT systems, engagement with the Academy/GMC on national assessment changes). A difference in fee between the written and oral components of the exam has been agreed to reflect the different costs of the actual exam days, in similar ratio to that of the FRCA.

The FRCA has been in existence for a considerable time longer than the FFPMRCA and therefore has a bank of question many times bigger, allowing a number of used questions to be released for revision purposes. So far the FFPMRCA has released a small sample of questions (see below). We will continue to release example questions at a rate made possible by question writing. The Court of Examiners is already considering ways to increase question writing to support this.

For the MCQ: The pass mark for each MCQ exam is set using a modified Angoff method. An Angoffing group, comprising examiners and independent Pain consultants (including junior consultants who have recently attained the Fellowship), grade each question in the paper according to difficulty using the proxy of the likelihood of borderline candidates knowing the answer. A week following the exam a meeting takes place in which the group spends several hours discussing the scores given, with particular regard to the questions where there is disparity in the responses. Once an agreed score for each question has been reached a raw score for the paper can be calculated. The raw score is adjusted to allow for the potential for guessing the correct answers. The t pass mark is set as the adjusted raw score further reduced based upon the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM), a statistic relating to the reliability (Kuder-Richardson 20 score) of the exam. This resulting figure is then rounded down to the nearest whole number to give the pass mark.

For the SOE: At least two standard setting tools are employed in setting the pass mark for the oral component of the exam. Prior to the exam examiners are asked to consider a number of parameters based on pass rate and pass mark, for an exam at this level these parameters are then cross referenced against actual cohort performance to generate a Hofstee chart. During the exam, in addition to candidates being marked on each question, performance at the exam is graded by examiners on a global ratings scale. This global rating is then cross-referenced against performance in individual questions using a linear regression method. The suggested pass marks generated by these two methods (which, to date, have been the same figure) are then used as a basis for discussion between examiners. The individual performance of all candidates whose scores are just above or just below the suggested pass mark are reviewed by the court of examiners in coming to a decision regarding whether they have demonstrated sufficient knowledge and understanding to be awarded the Fellowship. Discussion of these borderline candidates’ performances’ determines the final decision of where the pass mark should be set. Angoff and Ebel referencing methods have also been employed to assist in setting the pass mark.