Vacancy for e-PAIN Deputy Clinical Lead

Published: 04/08/2020

We are looking for a Deputy Lead to join the e-PAIN team in October 2020 for an initial period of 6 months, with a view to becoming Clinical Lead in April 2021, subject to satisfactory performance.  The main role is to lead the program clinically and set its clinical direction. 

e-PAIN is a collaboration between FPM, HEE and the British Pain Society.  e-PAIN is multidisciplinary in authorship and users, and its aim is to promote best practice in pain management for the whole of the NHS UK workforce based on the International Association for the Study of Pain's Core Curriculum for Professional Education in Pain.

e-PAIN consists of 12 Modules of around 5 sessions each and also contains an electronic library of articles from BJA Edn and The British Journal of Pain.  The current librarian is Dr Nancy Cox whose term will crossover with the new Lead. e-PAIN will also be hosting a module for EPM-UK both as a teaching and training resource for medical students and foundation doctors.

Please see below and attached ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ document for more details on e-PAIN, the role and how to apply.  The current co-leads would be happy to have an informal discussion with anyone wishing to apply, to provide more information on what the role entails.  Please email us at

To apply please send your CV with a personal statement detailing how you meet the requirements to   Please ensure you have read the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ document before applying.  We would recommend that you discuss the role with your Clinical Director.  The closing date for application is 19 Sept 2020.


The Role:

The e-PAIN Lead is a member of, and answers to, FPM Training and Assessment Committee (TAC) in terms of Faculty project governance, and to the RCoA via e-Learning Leads meetings between RCoA and HEE representatives regarding wider governance of RCOA's e-Learning programs.

The role would be suitable for a Consultant or SAS doctor in a permanent NHS role working within a multidisciplinary pain team.

This is an unpaid role, but you could request that your employer supports this with 1SPA within your job plan.

Essential criteria:

  1. Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine and Fellow of Royal College of Anaesthetists.
  2. Evidence on CV of special interest in, and experience of, delivering both Medical and Multidisciplinary education.
  3. Working in a substantive post in the NHS as a Consultant or Specialty doctor within a multidisciplinary pain team.
  4. Demonstrable ability to write engaging articles/ Documents.

Desirable criteria:

  1. Membership of the British Pain Society.
  2. Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Education.
  3. Published research or articles in journals as role demands writing articles for College and Faculty.