Examination Complaints and Appeals Policy

Published: 01/08/2024

Appendix A: Marking processes for College and faculty examinations

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) examinations 

All MCQ examinations are automatically scored in the platform, TestReach, which reduces the risk of a calculation error compared to manual scoring. The allocation and addition of scores are checked before a standard setting meeting is held. This meeting determines the passing mark using the Angoff standard setting method and checks the performance of examination questions using question psychometrics and any candidate feedback which has been received.  

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Structured Oral Examination (SOE) 

The OSCE and SOE components of RCoA delivered examinations are scored on iPads using an online marking scheme via the delivery platform, Practique. Colour coding on the system enables examiners to identify areas yet to be marked. On submitting the marks, the system flags up any unmarked questions. An administrator checks the accuracy of the live submission of marks throughout the day. If a mark was missed during this process, the Standard Setting Manager notifies the examination floor, and the examiner reviews the relevant question and resubmits the marks.  Any anomalies in the marking are reviewed by the Standard Setting Manger and discussed at the post-exam moderation board.  Two examiners independently mark each part of the SOE and provide feedback to support the marks awarded, which can be requested by candidates on receipt of their examination result.