Case of the Month #23: Ear Pain by Dr Lorraine de Gray

Published: 03/01/2023


Mr P was an 88-year-old patient who had developed a rodent ulcer on the side of the face just by the ear.  Due to the COVID pandemic and fear of attending a doctor’s surgery, he delayed seeking medical help and by the time he was seen in clinic the basal cell cancer was large and quite close to the tragus and although most of the tumour was excised, he was subsequently also treated with a course of radiotherapy.  Pain was managed at the time with taking regular paracetamol.

Around nine months following treatment he started to complain of severe pain in his ear. There was no evidence of any recurrence around the scar on his cheek and following examination by his GP he was referred to the local ENT surgeon who then went on to refer him to the pain clinic.

What other information would you like to know about this patient’s presentation?