Case of the Month #24: Long Covid by Dr Angeline Lee

Published: 31/01/2023


Ms B is a 38-year-old lady who has been referred to pain clinic from her local long Covid service as she is experiencing troubling myalgia. It is now 1 year since she initially had asymptomatic Covid before vaccines were available. She describes experiencing severe fatigue almost every day after minimal exercise (e.g. walking quickly down the road on flat), often accompanied by severe myalgia, mainly around her legs and shoulders. This is particularly distressing as she was previously a triathlete and had competed in a half marathon just 2 months before her Covid. Examination reveals a full range of movement with no neurological deficit in all 4 limbs. There are no specific trigger points on palpation. She has no past medical or surgical history of note and has no known drug allergies. Her GP has prescribed vitamin D for her.


How is long Covid defined?

What are the most common symptoms of long Covid?