Case of the Month #32: Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) for Persistent Pain Following Spinal Surgery; presented by Owain Davies

Published: 03/10/2023


  1. Treede RD, Rief W, Barke A, Aziz Q, Bennett MI, Benoliel R, Cohen M, Evers S, Finnerup NB, First MB, Giamberardino MA, Kaasa S, Korwisi B, Kosek E, Lavand'homme P, Nicholas M, Perrot S, Scholz J, Schug S, Smith BH, Svensson P, Vlaeyen JWS, Wang SJ. Chronic pain as a symptom or a disease: the IASP Classification of Chronic Pain for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Pain. 2019 Jan;160(1):19-27.
  2. Chan CW, Peng P. Failed back surgery syndrome. Pain Med. 2011 Apr;12(4):577-606. 
  3. Taylor RS, Taylor RJ. The economic impact of failed back surgery syndrome. Br J Pain. 2012 Nov;6(4):174-81. 
  4. Kumar K, North R, Taylor R, Sculpher M, Van den Abeele C, Gehring M, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J, Thomson S, O'Callaghan J, Eisenberg E, Milbouw G, Fortini G, Richardson J, Buchser E, Tracey S, Reny P, Brookes M, Sabene S, Cano P, Banks C, Pengelly L, Adler R, Leruth S, Kelly C, Jacobs M. Spinal Cord Stimulation vs. Conventional Medical Management: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Study of Patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (PROCESS Study). Neuromodulation. 2005 Oct;8(4):213-8
  5. North RB, Kidd DH, Farrokhi F, Piantadosi SA. Spinal cord stimulation versus repeated lumbosacral spine surgery for chronic pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Neurosurgery. 2005;56(1):98-106; discussion 106-7. 
  6. Kemler MA, de Vet HC, Barendse GA, van den Wildenberg FA, van Kleef M. Effect of spinal cord stimulation for chronic complex regional pain syndrome Type I: five-year final follow-up of patients in a randomized controlled trial. J Neurosurg. 2008 Feb;108(2):292-8.
  7. Traeger AC, Gilbert SE, Harris IA, Maher CG. Spinal cord stimulation for low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2023 Mar 7;3(3):CD014789
  8. Hara S, Andresen H, Solheim O, Carlsen SM, Sundstrøm T, Lønne G, Lønne VV, Taraldsen K, Tronvik EA, Øie LR, Gulati AM, Sagberg LM, Jakola AS, Solberg TK, Nygaard ØP, Salvesen ØO, Gulati S. Effect of Spinal Cord Burst Stimulation vs Placebo Stimulation on Disability in Patients With Chronic Radicular Pain After Lumbar Spine Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Oct 18;328(15):1506-1514.
  9. Nice guidance for spinal cord stimulation:
  10. British Pain Society – Spinal cord stimulation for the management of pain: recommendations for best clinical practice 2009 
  11. Eldabe S, Duarte RV, Gulve A, Thomson S, Baranidharan G, Houten R, Jowett S, Sandhu H, Chadwick R, Brookes M, Kansal A, Earle J, Bell J, Robinson J, Walker S, Rhodes S, Taylor RS. Does a screening trial for spinal cord stimulation in patients with chronic pain of neuropathic origin have clinical utility and cost-effectiveness (TRIAL-STIM)? A randomised controlled trial. Pain. 2020 Dec;161(12):2820-2829. 


Additionally see Recommended Reading for October 2023 here.