Case of the Month #8: Longstanding pain and opioid use

Published: 05/10/2021

Suggested Further Resources

Alenezi, A., Yahyouche, A. & Paudyal, V. Current status of opioid epidemic in the United Kingdom and strategies for treatment optimisation in chronic pain. Int J Clin Pharm 43, 318–322 (2021).

Caneiro J.P., Bunzli S., O'Sullivan P.

Beliefs about the body and pain: the critical role in musculoskeletal pain management

(2021)  Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy,  25  (1) , pp. 17-29.

Feliu-Soler A, Montesinos F, Gutiérrez-Martínez O, Scott W, McCracken LM, Luciano JV. Current status of acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain: a narrative review. J Pain Res. 2018;11:2145-2159. Published 2018 Oct 2. doi:10.2147/JPR.S144631

Harris, R. (2019). ACT made simple: an easy-to-read primer on acceptance and commitment therapy (2nd ed.). New Harbinger Publications