Updated statement on covid vaccines and single shot steroid injections
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Recruitment open for a trainee representative education meetings advisor.
Joint guidance on how to manage patients presenting for planned surgery with respect to preoperative testing and self-isolation
Accepting applications from current RAPMs for the position for RAPM Chair Elect
Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. We deplore the conflict and support the actions being taken to end it
Launch of new guidance on Practical Pain Management in Specialist Care: How to help people with chronic pain when population based national guidance fails to help
We are looking for a Deputy Lead to join the e-PAIN team in April 2022. The main role will be to assist the Clinical Lead in setting the clinical direction of the programme
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is returning to face-to-face delivery for SOEs and OSCEs in the FRCA, FFICM and FFPM exams
Share your views: FRCA, FFICM and FFPMRCA examinations