UK Pain Messages 2024 published

Published: 08/05/2024

The FPM is pleased to announce the release of updated UK Pain Messages.  Since the last document version in 2017, much has changed in the recommended management of pain with a more conservative approach now given to the use of opioids for chronic pain, the reclassification of the gabapentinoids in 2019; the intrusion of COVID -19 into all our lives and Long COVID for some; NG 193 guidance on assessment and management of Chronic Primary Pain and the steady shift towards personalised, holistic care and perhaps a need for pragmatic health care. 

The aim of the UK Pain Messages is to define and gain consensus and consistency over the facts and figures used when highlighting the burden of chronic pain in the UK. These messages have been approved by the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the British Pain Society, the Physiotherapy Pain Association and by patients though Pain UK and The Patient Voice of the British Pain Society. 

The messages and further details can be be viewed on our website along with an infographic which is available to download.