The Faculty is pleased to note the publication of two pieces of guidance regarding pain management and COVID-19, which provide useful recommendations alongside PHE guidance.
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The Faculty has released a statement to address the impact of COVID-19 on training in pain medicine and the wellbeing of trainees.
The Faculty has released a statement in response to queries from members as to the safety of use of injected steroids for pain procedures during the current COVID-19 virus pandemic.
Due to the impact of COVID-19, the decision has been made to postpone the March FFPMRCA examination.
The FPM has released updated Guidance on Competencies for Paediatric Pain Medicine, endorsed by the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
The Faculty is seeking interested centres to pilot approaches outlined in the 2019 publication 'Framework for Provision of Pain Services for Adults Across the UK with Cancer or Life-limiting Disease'.
The Faculty is pleased to note the publication of the Pharmaceutical Journal's article, Losing faith: the patients waiting years for specialist pain treatment, acknowledging the importance of timely access to pain services.
The Faculty has released an updated position statement on the use of cannabis derived medicinal products in relation to Pain Medicine.
The Faculty is pleased to note the timely publication of NICE Guidance NG144 on cannabis-based medicinal products